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Partnership to tackle Aboriginal children's health issues

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 25 September 2003


Australian of the Year Professor Fiona Stanley has called for a sense of urgency in tackling the serious health problems facing Aboriginal children.

Perth's Institute for Child Health Research, Rio Tinto, and the Western Australian, Queensland and the Northern Territory Governments have formed a partnership to work on the problems.

It will focus on developing a better understanding of Aboriginal child health priorities and promoting healthy pregnancies by reducing exposure to smoking and alcohol.

Professor Stanley says Aboriginal communities will also be equipped to shape and deliver health initiatives.

"There are lots of good models of things that work that we would want to implement as model programs and many of these are in remote communities so we shall not shy away from that responsibility," she said.

"It may be that it's more costly but basically it's a very good investment because if it turns these kids around it's worth it."


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