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Aboriginal to run for Labor's national presidency

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 3 September 2003


One of the leading Aboriginal political figures in New South Wales says he has secured the support of Labor's right wing to run for the ALP's national presidency.

Warren Mundine, third on Labor's Senate ticket in New South Wales in 2001 and chairman of Country Labor, says he aims to bring a grassroots appeal to the job.

"I think I bring freshness and a grassroots appeal to the presidency, I'm not an old politician who's been around for many, many years," Mr Mundine said.

Labor will hold its first direct election for the position later this year.

Mr Mundine is expected to be up against former Labor frontbencher Dr Carmen Lawrence while current president Greg Sword is yet to announce his intentions.

Mr Mundine says a direct election is good.

"It's going to be an interesting election, mainly because we've never done it before and we're going to have rank and file people out there making that decision," he said.


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