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ATSIC targets delivery of Indigenous health services

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 29 August 2003


The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) says a new report showing the state of Indigenous health is trailing far behind the general population, highlights the need to look at how services are delivered.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics says Aboriginal life expectancy is 20 years lower, with inadequate health, employment and education services being contributing factors.

It also says nine times as many Aborigines suffer diabetes related illnesses as non-Indigenous Australians.

ATSIC spokesman Glenn Pearson says Government and Aboriginal medical services need to look at how the issue is being addressed.

"This information should challenge us to look at the way that we actually provide the services to Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people across the state," he said.

"I think there needs to be a far more integrated approach to the way that we do business together and then better service our communities."


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