Australian Aboriginal News & Current Affairs

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Now to the story...


Ruddock launches Aboriginal domestic violence program

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 21 August 2003


The Indigenous Affairs Minister, Philip Ruddock, has launched a program in partnership with ATSIC to combat domestic violence in Aboriginal communities.

Under the Family Violence Action Plan, ATSIC will employ more sexual assault workers and train people to deal with family violence and substance abuse issues in remote communities.

The action plan will also include a community education program about breaking the cycle of violence.

Mr Ruddock says all levels of government will have to work with ATSIC to achieve their goals, with the regional councils to take a leadership role in implementing the plan.

"This is about Indigenous ownership of this issue, the desire to move forward and governments offering every encouragement, help and assistance but allowing for Indigenous leadership to demonstrate that they can do something about it," he said.


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