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Now to the story...


Indigenous art interest growing: Sotheby's

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 28 July 2003


One of Australia's largest Indigenous art auctions will be held in Melbourne today, featuring some of the Northern Territory's best-known artists.

The auction includes several bark paintings from north-east Arnhem Land and a number of pieces from the western desert.

Tim Klingender from the auction house Sotheby's says interest in Aboriginal art, especially from the western desert, continues to grow.

"We're seeing more and more interest in Australian and internationally with each auction, and it's something that I imagine will continue and I've always said so," he said.

"I honestly believe that this is just the beginning and in another 10 or 20 years there'll much much more interest in Indigenous art than there is now and I think it has a very strong future."


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