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PM calls for action on Indigenous domestic violence

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 23 July 2003


The Prime Minister says it is time to try some bold measures to tackle domestic violence in Indigenous communities.

John Howard today met Aboriginal leaders from around Australia to hear their ideas.

He says it is clear there is no single solution to the problem, but he was impressed by one community's initiative to 'shame' violent offenders.

"I think those sort of things have got to be tried and if they work in some communities they should be perpetuated," Mr Howard said.

"If they don't they should be discarded, it is not a one size fits all approach.

"This is my view about alcohol, if communities want to ban alcohol good luck to them, if that is what they think will work in their communities."

Four of the Indigenous leaders at today's meeting will continue working with the Government on domestic violence initiatives.

Mr Howard says he will brief the premiers and chief ministers at their next meeting.

Reconciliation Australia co-chair Jackie Huggins says the gathering demonstrated the commitment of Indigenous leaders and government to work together to reduce violence.

"It's not in the too hard basket because when people work together and form partnerships and through the real spirit of reconciliation we can actually achieve things in our own country and at the very basic level of the horrific violence that is occurring."


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