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Now to the story...


Music enlisted in petrol-sniffing battle

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 16 July 2003


Youth workers hope a music recording studio built at the Aboriginal community of Papunya north-west of Alice Springs will deter young people from petrol sniffing.

Former Midnight Oil frontman Peter Garrett and the Warumpi Band will open the $25,000 studio this month.

Papunya's youth coordinator, Gavin King, says World Vision and the Federal Government jointly provided the money for the Warumpi Studio.

Mr King says he expects the project to have a significant impact on the community.

"Music is such an integral part of everyday life," he said. "It seems everyone can play an instrument or three.

"It'll be a great deterrent because young men and women who are now petrol-sniffing can come into the studio and be trained in engineering and the production side as well as playing the music itself."


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