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More Indigenous kids seeking help

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 11 July 2003


The national counselling service Kids Help Line says it has recorded a significant increase in calls from young Indigenous people over the past 12 months.

The service's research director Wendy Reid says around 50 per cent of calls in the Northern Territory are from Indigenous children.

Ms Reid says the statistics also show calls from Indigenous children reflect higher rates of serious and immediate problems, such as abuse, violence and homelessness.

She says the results show how vital the service is to young Aboriginal people.

"During this week, NAIDOC week, the theme is 'our children, our future'.

What Kids Help Line is saying is that our children are here now and unless we start supporting them now and providing help and resources, their future is not going to be all that bright," she said.

But Ms Reid says positive results can come from more children accessing the help line.

"These kids actually have some really good ideas about how to change things and their families and their communities, and it's time we shifted the focus from the issues of the adults onto the kids so that they get a sense of hope for the future."


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