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Clark calls for united fight for native title rights

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 4 June 2003


The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) chairman Geoff Clark has urged Indigenous people to unite in the fight for native title rights.

Mr Clark made the call while addressing the national Native Title conference in Alice Springs.

Mr Clark told the conference that it is an absolute disgrace that there have only been 31 native title determinations since the High Court Mabo decision 11 years ago.

He said it is a sad irony that the same court viciously struck down the Yorta Yorta claim in Victoria this year.

Mr Clark says a revolutionary new system is needed that gives Indigenous people revenue-raising capacity over their land as well as its ownership.

He said lending procedures and partnerships with business need to be reviewed to assist the development of land.

He said if Indigenous people work together those goals could be achieved.


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