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Indigenous dance to feature at Gulf Anzac ceremony

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 25 Apr 2003


A dance created more than 60 years ago will be a feature of an Anzac Day service and memorial dedication in a remote Gulf of Carpentaria community.

The dance was first performed in December 1942, when Aborigines from Doomadgee found the wreck of an American bomber near Moonlight Creek.

Four of the crew were killed when the Liberator crashed.

Three survivors headed west and one was later found near Booraloola, while two Americans who wandered east were found near Normanton.

Members of the Waanyi and other local clans who found the wreckage and subsequently took part in searches for the missing airmen first performed the dance to record the event.

Young men from the Doomadgee community have been training for weeks to dance when a memorial to the airmen is dedicated at today's Anzac Day service.

Three flags - the American, Australian and the Aboriginal flag will be flown.


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