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Now to the story...

Aboriginal advocate pressures police over inquest

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 27 Feb 2003

The Aboriginal Justice Advocacy Committee says it will take the Northern
Territory police commissioner to court if he does not respond
appropriately to the findings of an inquest into the death of a woman last

Coroner Greg Cavanagh found a 41-year-old Aboriginal woman was beaten to
death by her partner in Darwin after two officers put her into protective
custody, then released her.

He referred the case to the Director of Public Prosecutions, saying he
believes crimes in addition to those by the woman's boyfriend were

The justice committee's Chris Howse says his chairman will write to police
commissioner Paul White about the internal investigation of the case.

"If the commissioner replies in writing in any way unsatisfactorily, we
will be taking the matter further, probably to the court again against the
commissioner of police and his organisation," Mr Howse said.




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