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PM to tour nth Qld Indigenous communities

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 5 August 2003


Prime Minister John Howard today begins a rare two-day visit to Queensland Indigenous communities.

Mr Howard will investigate the successes of new alcohol restrictions on Cape York Peninsula.

He has been invited by one of his strongest critics, land rights activist and lawyer Noel Pearson, who says social problems facing Indigenous people mean differences must be temporarily set aside.

"What avails if we've got our land back and our people have fallen apart?" Mr Pearson said.

Cape York Land Council spokesman Ritchie Ah Mat says Mr Howard's visit is a historic one.

"To have the PM of this country actually come and listen and hopefully understand what we're all on about," Mr Ah Mat said.

Queensland Premier Peter Beattie agrees.

"I'm hopeful that ... his visit there will be increased coordination between the Commonwealth and the state to get a better outcome for Indigenous Australians," Mr Beattie said.

"I know that there've been some criticisms of the PM visiting the cape, but ... I applaud him for it because it puts the national spotlight on Indigenous issues in Cape York.

"It also puts the national spotlight on what the state Government's been doing there with its alcohol management plans."

Mr Howard will visit Weipa and Aurukun.


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