Australian Aboriginal News & Current Affairs

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Now to the story...


Aboriginal 'knowledge centre' to protect sacred objects

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 12 June 2003


A centre aiming to preserve Aboriginal culture for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people will open in the remote east Arnhem community of Galiwinku today.

The Northern Territory's Local Government Minister John Ah Kit will officially open the Indigenous Knowledge Centre.

The centre's director Richard Gandhuwuy says the structure will provide a safe place for sacred objects, and staff will try and repatriate items stored in other locations.

He says an area set aside from the main public structure will also be used for private Aboriginal ceremonies.

"A separate function and the separate structure, so the family can fulfil their lives and their spirit through the culture, to respect the culture, to respect the properties, to respect the law to respect the other people's ownership."


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