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Land owners critical of C'wealth consultation

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 8 March 2003


The traditional owners of South Australia's Maralinga lands have criticised the Federal Government's handling of the $100 million clean-up at the former British nuclear test site.

A report on the clean-up will be tabled in Federal Parliament this month, declaring the project a success.

But Maralinga Tjarutja Council administrator Archie Barton says this has not yet been communicated to him.

"I'm very disappointed with the Government making a comment without consulting the people," he said.

Federal Science Minister Peter McGauran says the traditional owners have been closely involved in the clean-up.

"The South Australian Government and Maralinga Tjarutja people worked with the Commonwealth to prepare the clean up," he said.

The South Australian Government has warned traditional owners not to participate in any land hand back without safety guarantees.


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